We consider categories of coalgebras as (co)-fibred over a base category of parameters and analyse categorical constructions in the total category of deterministic and non-determi...
The coincidence between the model-theoretic and the procedural semantics of SLDresolution does not carry over to a Prolog system that also implements non-logical features like cut...
The region calculus of Tofte and Talpin is an annotated polymorphically typed lambda calculus which makes memory allocation and deallocation explicit. It is intended as an interme...
Abstract. Logic programming languages based on linear logic are of both theoretical and practical interest, particulaly because such languages can be seen as providing a logical ba...
Behavioral rewriting di ers from standard rewriting in taking account of the weaker inference rules of behavioral logic, but it shares much with standard rewriting, including noti...
Haskell has long needed a debugger. Although there has been much research into the topic of debugging lazy functional programs, no robust tool has yet come from the Haskell commun...