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Walukiewicz gave in 1996 a solution for parity games on pushdown graphs: he proved the existence of pushdown strategies and determined the winner with an EXPTIME procedure. We giv...
The past decade has seen an explosion of work on calculi of explicit substitutions. Numerous work has illustrated the usefulness of these calculi for practical notions like the im...
d Abstract) Naoshi Tabuchi Eijiro Sumii Akinori Yonezawa 1 Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo We present re...
We compare Meyer and Routley's minimal relevant logic B+ with the recent semanticsbased approach to subtyping introduced by Frisch, Castagna and Benzaken in the definition of...
We present a calculus for modelling "environment-aware" computations, that is computations that adapt their behaviour according to the capabilities of the environment. T...
By using intersection types and filter models we formulate a theory of types for a -calculus with record subtyping via a finitary programming logic. Types are interpreted as space...
The paper presents approaches to the validation of optimizing compilers. The emphasis is on aggressive and architecture-targeted optimizations which try to obtain the highest perf...
Lenore D. Zuck, Amir Pnueli, Yi Fang, Benjamin Gol...
Classically, any absolute continuous real function is of bounded variation and hence can always be expressed as a difference of two increasing continuous functions (socalled Jorda...
Xizhong Zheng, Robert Rettinger, Burchard von Brau...