There are two ways to define a semantics for process algebras: either directly by means of an equivalence relation or by means of a preorder whose kernel is the desired equivalenc...
David de Frutos-Escrig, Carlos Gregorio-Rodr&iacut...
Freely available experimental transformation languages have begun to stimulate practical usage of textual transformation notations. The forthcoming QVT transformation languages ma...
Integrated Development Environments supporting software and model evolution have to deal with the problem of maintaining coherence between code and model despite changes which may...
Paolo Bottoni, Francesco Parisi-Presicce, Simone P...
The current paper presents a novel approach to implement a graph transformation engine as an EJB3-specific plugin by using EJB QL queries for pattern matching. The essence of the ...
We present a Domain Specific Visual Language (DSVL) for the definition of metrics for other DSVLs. The metrics language has been defined using meta-modelling, and includes some of...
Graphical notations are already popular for the design of software, as witnessed by the success of the Uniform Modeling Languages (UML). In this paper, we advocate the use of grap...
We describe the design and the present state of the verification tool Augur 2 which is currently being developed. It is based on Augur 1, a tool which can analyze graph transforma...
In model-based software development, a complete design and analysis process involves designing the system using the design language, converting it into the analysis language, and ...