In a UML model, different aspects of a system are covered by different types of diagrams and this bears the risk that an overall system specification becomes barely tractable by t...
Logic meta-programming in Prolog is a powerful way to express program analysis and transformation. However, its use can be difficult and error-prone because it requires programmer...
In this paper, we define labeled multigraphs with ports, a graph model which specifies connection points for nodes and allows multiple edges and loops. The dynamic evolution of th...
In any language designed to express transformations, the notion of rewrite rule is a key feature. Its conciseness as well as its strong theoretical foundations are essential. The ...
Emilie Balland, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Antoine Rei...
We establish a monotonicity principle for convex functions that enables high-level reasoning about capacity in information theory. Despite its simplicity, this single idea is rema...
In this paper, we introduce a system, written in Haskell, for filtering information from XML data. Essentially, the system implements a simple declarative language which allows on...
Reynolds' view of a storage cell as an expression-acceptor pair has been widely used by researchers. We present a different way of organizing semantics of state, and in parti...
We provide a categorical presentation of the Fusion calculus. Working in a suitable category of presheaves, we describe the syntax as initial algebra of a signature endofunctor, a...