
67views more  JCT 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
On the coexistence of conference matrices and near resolvable 2-(2k+1, k, k-1) designs
We show that a near resolvable 2-(2k + 1, k, k - 1) design exists if and only if a conference matrix of order 2k + 2 does. A known result on conference matrices then allows us to ...
Malcolm Greig, Harri Haanpää, Petteri Ka...
14 years 3 months ago
On the number of combinations without certain separations
Abstract. In this paper we enumerate the number of ways of selecting k objects from n objects arrayed in a line such that no two selected ones are separated by m-1, 2m-1,
Toufik Mansour, Yidong Sun