
50views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Tolerance-based Branch and Bound algorithms for the ATSP
Marcel Turkensteen, Diptesh Ghosh, Boris Goldengor...
97views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Optimization models for the single delay management problem in public transportation
Passengers travelling in public transportation networks often have to use different lines to cover the trip from their origin to the desired destination. As a consequence, the rel...
Géraldine Heilporn, Luigi De Giovanni, Mart...
85views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
The Linear Ordering Problem with cumulative costs
Several optimization problems require finding a permutation of a given set of items that minimizes a certain cost function. These problems are naturally modelled in graph-theory t...
Livio Bertacco, Lorenzo Brunetta, Matteo Fischetti
93views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Approximate methods for convex minimization problems with series-parallel structure
Consider a problem of minimizing a separable, strictly convex, monotone and differentiable function on a convex polyhedron generated by a system of m linear inequalities. The probl...
Adi Ben-Israel, Genrikh Levin, Yuri Levin, Boris R...
110views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Runway sequencing with holding patterns
We study a scheduling problem, motivated by air-traffic control, in which a set of aircrafts are about to land on a single runway. When coming close to the landing area of the air...
Konstantin Artiouchine, Philippe Baptiste, Christo...
116views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
A hybrid neuro-fuzzy analytical approach to mode choice of global logistics management
This paper presents a hybrid neuro-fuzzy methodology to identify appropriate global logistics (GL) operational modes used for global supply chain management. The proposed methodol...
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
106views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Convergent Lagrangian heuristics for nonlinear minimum cost network flows
We consider the separable nonlinear and strictly convex single-commodity network flow problem (SSCNFP). We develop a computational scheme for generating a primal feasible solution...
Torbjörn Larsson, Johan Marklund, Caroline Ol...
100views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Coordination of stocking decisions in an assemble-to-order environment
In this paper we study an assemble-to-order environment involving a short-life-cycle product. The product is sold in two different configurations, each requiring a unique componen...
Xiaohong Zhang, Jihong Ou, Stephen M. Gilbert
75views more  EOR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
GRASP and path relinking for project scheduling under partially renewable resources
Recently, in the field of project scheduling problems the concept of partially renewable resources has been introduced. Theoretically, it is a generalization of both renewable and...
Ramón Alvarez-Valdés, Enric Crespo, ...