For reactive systems, a large collection of formal models has been developed. While the formal relationship between those models is often carefully analyzed, the methodical implica...
The article presents an approach to model based testing of complex systems based on a generalization of finite state machines (FSM) and input output state machines (IOSM). The app...
Victor V. Kuliamin, Alexandre Petrenko, Nick V. Pa...
We study the roles of message components in authentication protocols. In particular, we investigate how a certain component contributes to the task of achieving entity authenticati...
We present several new algorithms as well as new lower and upper bounds for optimizing functions underlying infinite games pertinent to computer-aided verification.
Despite practical successes with the Futamura projections, it has been an open question whether target programs produced by specializing interpreters can always be as efficient as ...
Words in the explanatory dictionary have different meanings (senses) described using natural language definitions. If the definitions of two senses of the same word are too simi...
Alexander F. Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, Sang-Yong H...