
113views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 21 days ago
Fuzzy c-Means Herding
Herding is the process of bringing individuals (e.g. animals) together into a group. More specifically, we consider self
Thomas A. Runkler
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14 years 21 days ago
Decentralized Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Control of an Anaerobic Digestion Bioprocess Plant
The paper proposed to use recurrent Fuzzy-Neural Multi-Model (FNMM) identifier for decentralized identification of a distributed parameter anaerobic wastewater treatment digestion ...
Ieroham S. Baruch, Rosalba Galvan-Guerra
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14 years 21 days ago
Fuzzy Concept Lattice is Made by Proto-Fuzzy Concepts
Abstract-- An L-fuzzy context is a triple consisting of a set of objects, a set of attributes and an L-fuzzy binary relation between them. An l-cut is a classical context over the ...
Ondrej Kridlo, Stanislav Krajci
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14 years 21 days ago
A Link Between the 2-additive Choquet Integral and Belief Functions
Brice Mayag, Michel Grabisch, Christophe Labreuche
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14 years 21 days ago
Preservation of Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations
The goal of this paper is to consider properties of the composition of interval-valued fuzzy relations which were introduced by L.A. Zadeh in 1975. Fuzzy set theory turned out to b...
Barbara Pekala
141views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 21 days ago
An Experimental Study on the Interpretability of Fuzzy Systems
Abstract-- Interpretability is one of the most significant properties of Fuzzy Systems which are widely acknowledged as gray boxes against other Soft Computing techniques such as N...
José M. Alonso, Luis Magdalena
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14 years 21 days ago
Learning Fuzzy Rule Based Classifier in High Performance Computing Environment
-- An approach to estimate the number of rules by spectral analysis of the training dataset has been recently proposed [1]. This work presents an analysis of such a method in high ...
Vinicius da F. Vieira, Alexandre Evsukoff, Beatriz...
136views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 21 days ago
Fuzzy Continuous Evaluation in Training Systems Based on Virtual Reality
The approach of continuous evaluation is an important tool in the learning process. However, only recently it was applied in training based on virtual reality. This paper presents ...
Ronei Moraes, Liliane Machado