
13 years 6 months ago
Multigame Playing by Means of UCT Enhanced with Automatically Generated Evaluation Functions
General Game Playing (GGP) contest provides a research framework suitable for developing and testing AGI approaches in game domain. In this paper, we propose a new modification of...
Karol Waledzik, Jacek Mandziuk
105views more  IJCV 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Detecting and Handling Unreliable Points for Camera Parameter Estimation
The popularly used DLT method sometimes fails to give reliable camera parameter estimation. It is therefore important to detect the unreliability and provide the corresponding solu...
Yihong Wu, Youfu Li, Zhanyi Hu
116views ECommerce» more  EC 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Efficient Evaluation Functions for Evolving Coordination
Abstract-- This paper presents a method for creating evaluation functions that efficiently promote coordination in a multiagent system, allowing single-agent evolutionary computati...
Adrian K. Agogino, Kagan Tumer
14 years 4 months ago
A Study of Empirical Learning for an Involved Problem
In real-world domains a concept to be learned may be unwieldy and the environment may be less than ideal. One combination of difficulties occurs if the concept is probabilistic an...
Larry A. Rendell
14 years 4 months ago
Formation of Probabilistic Concepts through Observations Containing Discrete and Continuous Attributes
The probabilistic concept formation general problem in dealing with mixed-data scale environments is due to the use of different evaluation function for each attribute type. We cl...
Ricardo Batista Rebouças, João Jos&e...
14 years 5 months ago
Visualization and Adjustment of Evaluation Functions Based on Evaluation Values and Win Probability
We present a method of visualizing and adjusting the evaluation functions in game programming in this paper. It is widely recognized that an evaluation function should assign a hi...
Shogo Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Kazunori Yamaguch...
138views Formal Methods» more  IFL 2004»
14 years 8 months ago
A Rational Deconstruction of Landin's SECD Machine
Landin’s SECD machine was the first abstract machine for the λ-calculus viewed as a programming language. Both theoretically as a model of computation and practically as an ide...
Olivier Danvy
174views Optimization» more  GECCO 2005»
14 years 8 months ago
Coordinating multi-rover systems: evaluation functions for dynamic and noisy environments
This paper addresses the evolution of control strategies for a collective: a set of entities that collectively strives to maximize a global evaluation function that rates the perf...
Kagan Tumer, Adrian K. Agogino
120views Algorithms» more  ICANNGA 2007»
14 years 9 months ago
Evolutionary Approach to the Game of Checkers
A new method of genetic evolution of linear and nonlinear evaluation functions in the game of checkers is presented. Several practical issues concerning application of genetic algo...
Magdalena Kusiak, Karol Waledzik, Jacek Mandziuk