This paper introduces mirrored sampling into evolution strategies (ESs) with weighted multi-recombination. Two further heuristics are introduced: pairwise selection selects at mos...
Evolution Strategies (ES) for black-box optimization of a function f : Rn → R are investigated. Namely, we consider the cumulative step-size adaptation (CSA) for the variance of...
After an outline of the history of evolutionary algorithms, a new ( ) variant of the evolution strategies is introduced formally. Though not comprising all degrees of freedom, it i...
Abstract. In this paper we discuss Evolution Strategies within the context of interactive optimization. Different modes of interaction will be classified and compared. A focus will...
Efficient Natural Evolution Strategies (eNES) is a novel alternative to conventional evolutionary algorithms, using the natural gradient to adapt the mutation distribution. Unlike...
The family of natural evolution strategies (NES) offers a principled approach to real-valued evolutionary optimization by following the natural gradient of the expected fitness....
Tobias Glasmachers, Tom Schaul, Yi Sun, Daan Wiers...
we propose a repository to characterize OO evolution problematic. The two main objectives are to characterize object evolution according to its own features, and to uniformly analy...
There is now a huge amount of high quality photometric data available in the literature whose analysis is bound to play a fundamental role in studies of the formation and evolution...