Abstract. The Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) consists on programming and allocating ships to berthing areas along a quay. The BAP is modeled as a vehicle routing problem and a rece...
Geraldo R. Mauri, Alexandre C. M. Oliveira, Luiz A...
Abstract. The genomic median problem is an optimization problem inspired by a biological issue: it aims at finding the chromosome organization of the common ancestor to multiple li...
In this paper we study a complex real world workforce scheduling problem. We apply constructive search and variable neighbourhood search (VNS) metaheuristics and enhance these meth...
Keshav P. Dahal, Stephen Remde, Peter I. Cowling, ...
This paper deals with the design of improved construction heuristics and iterated local search for the Routing and Wavelength Assignment problem (RWA). Given a physical network and...
Kerstin Bauer, Thomas Fischer, Sven Oliver Krumke,...
This paper introduces a hybrid Tabu Search - Evolutionary Algorithm for solving the binary constraint satisfaction problem, called CTLEA. A continuation of an earlier introduced al...
In many cases what matters is not whether a false discovery is made or not but the expected proportion of false discoveries among all the discoveries made, i.e. the so-called false...
Abstract. Many efforts have been involved in association study of quantitative phenotypes and expressed genes. The key issue is how to efficiently identify phenotype-associated gen...
We present a study on the use of soft computing techniques for object tracking/segmentation in surveillance video clips. A number of artificial creatures, conceptually, "inhab...
Abstract. This work merges ideas from two very different areas: Particle Swarm Optimisation and Evolutionary Game Theory. In particular, we are looking to integrate strategies from...
We describe an approach to artificially evolving a drawing robot using implicit fitness functions, which are designed to minimise any direct reference to the line patterns made by ...
Jon Bird, Phil Husbands, Martin Perris, Bill Bigge...