
116views more  GRAMMARS 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
An Informal Sketch of a Formal Architecture for Construction Grammar
Abstract. A formal architecture for Construction Grammar (CG) is sketched. Modeling domain objects (constructs) are constituent structures with feature structures at the nodes, aka...
Paul Kay
14 years 2 months ago
An Indexing Scheme for Typed Feature Structures
This paper describes an indexing substrate for typed feature structures (ISTFS), which is an efficient retrieval engine for typed feature structures. Given a set of typed feature ...
Takashi Ninomiya, Takaki Makino, Jun-ichi Tsujii
14 years 4 months ago
A Three-Valued Interpretation of Negation in Feature Structure Descriptions
Feature structures are informational elements that have been used in several linguistic theories and in computational systems for natural-language processing. A logicaJ calculus h...
Anuj Dawar, K. Vijay-Shanker
14 years 4 months ago
FeasPar - A Feature Structure Parser Learning to Parse Spoken Language
We describe and experimentally evaluate a system, FeasPar, that learns parsing spontaneous speech. To train and run FeasPar (Feature Structure Parser), only limited handmodeled kn...
Finn Dag Buø, Alex Waibel