
14 years 4 months ago
Improved Bounds on the Average Distance to the Fermat-Weber Center of a Convex Object
We show that for any convex object Q in the plane, the average distance between the Fermat-Weber center of Q and the points in Q is at least 4(Q)/25, and at most 2(Q)/(3 3), wher...
A. Karim Abu-Affash, Matthew J. Katz
98views Algorithms» more  ISAAC 2009»
14 years 9 months ago
New Bounds on the Average Distance from the Fermat-Weber Center of a Planar Convex Body
The Fermat-Weber center of a planar body Q is a point in the plane from which the average distance to the points in Q is minimal. We first show that for any convex body Q in the ...
Adrian Dumitrescu, Csaba D. Tóth