
104views more  SCHEDULING 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
A fluid approach to large volume job shop scheduling
We consider large volume job shop scheduling problems, in which there is a fixed number of machines, a bounded number of activities per job, and a large number of jobs. In large v...
Yoni Nazarathy, Gideon Weiss
14 years 16 days ago
Online vertex-coloring games in random graphs
Consider the following one-player game. The vertices of a random graph on n vertices are revealed to the player one by one. In each step, also all edges connecting the newly reveal...
Martin Marciniszyn, Reto Spöhel
125views more  TSMC 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Dynamic page based crossover in linear genetic programming
Page-based Linear Genetic Programming (GP) is proposed in which individuals are described in terms of a number of pages. Pages are expressed in terms of a fixed number of instructi...
Malcolm I. Heywood, A. Nur Zincir-Heywood
73views more  DM 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Some formulae for partitions into squares
We consider the new problem of determining the number of partitions of a number into a fixed number k of squares, and find explicit formulae in the cases k = 2, 3, 4. Classificati...
Michael D. Hirschhorn
14 years 6 months ago
On-Line Edge-Coloring with a Fixed Number of Colors
We investigate a variant of on-line edge-coloring in which there is a fixed number of colors availableandtheaimistocolorasmanyedgesaspossible.Weproveupperandlowerboundsontheperform...
Lene M. Favrholdt, Morten N. Nielsen