
13 years 11 months ago
Inferencing Bayesian Networks from Time Series Data Using Natural Selection
This paper describes a new framework for using natural selection to evolve Bayesian Networks for use in forecasting time series data. It extends current research by introducing a ...
Andrew J. Novobilski, Farhad Kamangar
13 years 11 months ago
Defining and Monitoring Knowledge Integrity
Knowledgemanagementhas been claimed as the correct response to rapid change. Decisions need to be madein light of up to date knowledge. The changing nature of the knowledgeraises ...
Fatma Mili, Krish Narayanan, Vamsi Atluri
13 years 11 months ago
Domain Semantics for Agent-Oriented Programming
This paper describes a novel semantic framework for an agent architecture. Drawing on Shoham's work on AGENT0 (Shoham 1993), we replace Shoham's modal logic semantics wi...
Roger Norton, S. Rebecca Thomas
13 years 11 months ago
Supporting Intelligent Tutoring in CALL by Modeling the User's Grammar
This paper presents a model for representing the pro ciency of users in a CALL system by recording their performance on speci c grammatical features. The model will be used both t...
Lisa N. Michaud, Kathleen F. McCoy
13 years 11 months ago
Learning to Transfer Knowledge between Reference Systems
Representationandinference of spatial knowledgeplay a fundamentalrole in spatial reasoning,whichitself is an important componentof manyapplications such as GeographicInformationSy...
Maria do Carmo Nicoletti, Jane Brennan
13 years 11 months ago
A Case Study in the Mechanical Verification of Fault Tolerance
To date, there is little evidence that modular reasoning about fault-tolerant systems can simplify the verification process in practice. We study this question using a prominent e...
Heiko Mantel, Felix C. Gärtner
13 years 11 months ago
What is Wrong with this Equation? Error Detection and Feedback with Physics Equations
Oneof the keys to a goodIntelligent Tutoring System (ITS)is its ability to identify andlocalize the error a student's answerand then generate useful feedback. This paper desc...
Chun Wai Liew, Joel A. Shapiro, Donald E. Smith