The paper discusses a proposal of a formal description of ARD+ a conceptual design and hierarchical refinement method for knowledge-based systems. Formalization of method syntax i...
As a side effect of e-marketing strategy the number of spam e-mails is rocketing, the time and cost needed to deal with spam as well. Spam filtering is one of the most difficult t...
Truly generic and reusable intelligent tutoring software architectures have remained elusive. As part of our effort to develop tutoring systems for simulations of ill-defined doma...
Dave Gomboc, Mark G. Core, H. Chad Lane, Ashish Ka...
In this paper, we propose a new methodology based on directed weighted graphs and the TextRank algorithm to automatically induce general-specific noun relations from web corpora f...
This paper presents a syntactic path-based learning algorithm (CANDEL from CANDIDATE-ELIMINATION) for the coreference resolution of pronouns that have their antecedents in the sam...
Effective extraction of query relevant information present within documents on the web is a nontrivial task. In this paper we present our system called QueSTS, which does the abov...
M. Sravanthi, C. Ravindranath Chowdary, P. Sreeniv...
We investigate a simple semi-naive Bayesian ranking method that combines naive Bayes with induction of decision tables. Naive Bayes and decision tables can both be trained efficie...
For many educational applications such as learning tools for argumentation, structured diagrams are a suitable form of external representation. However, student-created graphs pos...
Niels Pinkwart, Kevin D. Ashley, Vincent Aleven, C...
Handling exceptions represents one of the most important problems in Artificial Intelligence. Several approaches have been proposed for reasoning on default theories. This paper f...
Simple Temporal Networks (STNs) are frequently used in scheduling applications, as they provide a powerful and general tool for managing temporal constraints. One obstacle to thei...