Transacted Memory offers persistence, undoability and auditing. We present a Java/JML Reference Model of the Transacted Memory system on the basis of our earlier separate Z model...
Pieter H. Hartel, Michael J. Butler, Eduard de Jon...
A static program checker that performs modular checking can check one program module for errors without needing to analyze the entire program. Modular checking requires that each m...
This paper describes a reduction technique which is very useful against the state explosion problem which occurs when model checking many distributed systems. Timestamps are often ...
Fabrice Derepas, Paul Gastin, David Plainfoss&eacu...
Classical logic cannot be used to effectively reason about systems with uncertainty (lack of essential information) or inconsistency (contradictory information often occurring when...
Marsha Chechik, Steve M. Easterbrook, Victor Petro...
We present a novel result for a logic for symbolic transition systems based on LOTOS processes. The logic is adequate with respect to bisimulation de ned on symbolic transition sys...
The Irish School of Constructive Mathematics (M♣ c ), which extends the VDM, exploits an algebraic notation based upon monoids and their morphisms for the purposes of abstract mo...