Abstract. Control diagrams are routinely used by engineers in the design of control systems. Yet, currently the formal verification of programs that implement the diagrams is a ch...
Abstract Colin Campbell, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann, and Margus Veanes Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA Abstract. We describe a pract...
Colin Campbell, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson...
Abstract. We present a software tool platform which facilitates security and performance analysis of systems which starts and ends with UML model descriptions. A UML project is pre...
Mikael Buchholtz, Stephen Gilmore, Valentin Haenel...
The Mondex Electronic Purse system [18] is an outstanding example of formal refinement techniques applied to a genuine industrial scale application, and notably, was the first ve...
Richard Banach, Michael Poppleton, Czeslaw Jeske, ...