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A polygon with two distinguished vertices, s and g, is called a street iff the two boundary chains from s to g are mutually weakly visible. For a mobile robot with on-board vision...
We prove that the reliable computation of any Boolean function with sensitivity s requires Ω(s log s) gates if the gates of the circuit fail independently with a fixed positive...
We perform linear programming optimizations on the intersection of k polyhedra in R3 , represented by their outer recursive decompositions, in expected time O(k log k log n + √ ...
We wish to increase the power of an arbitrary algorithm designed for non-degenerate input, by allowing it to execute on all inputs. We concentrate on in nitesimal symbolic perturba...
Karchmer, Raz, and Wigderson, 1991, discuss the circuit depth complexity of n bit Boolean functions constructed by composing up to d = logn=loglogn levels of k = logn bit boolean
Jeff Edmonds, Steven Rudich, Russell Impagliazzo, ...
For sums of radicals Pk i=1 i di p i, where i; i are elements of some real algebraic number eld Q( ); di p i 2 R; we present a deterministic polynomial time algorithm to decide wh...
The upper bound on the exponent, ω, of matrix multiplication over a ring that was three in 1968 has decreased several times and since 1986 it has been 2.376. On the other hand, t...
The Lov´asz Local Lemma is a tool that enables one to show that certain events hold with positive, though very small probability. It often yields existence proofs of results with...