We consider the problem of clustering a collection of elements based on pairwise judgments of similarity and dissimilarity. Bansal, Blum and Chawla (in: Proceedings of 43rd FOCS, ...
Moses Charikar, Venkatesan Guruswami, Anthony Wirt...
We give a surprisingly short proof that in any planar arrangement of Ò curves where each pair intersects at most a fixed number (×) of times, the -level has subquadratic (Ç´...
We give improved approximation algorithms for a variety of latency minimization problems. In particular, we give a 3.591 -approximation to the minimum latency problem, improving o...
We consider a model of learning Boolean functions from examples generated by a uniform random walk on {0, 1}n . We give a polynomial time algorithm for learning decision trees and...
Nader H. Bshouty, Elchanan Mossel, Ryan O'Donnell,...
We show that if an NP-complete problem has a non-adaptive self-corrector with respect to a samplable distribution then coNP is contained in NP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy co...
In this paper, we give the rst constant-factor approximationalgorithmfor the rooted Orienteering problem, as well as a new problem that we call the Discounted-Reward TSP, motivate...
Avrim Blum, Shuchi Chawla, David R. Karger, Terran...
We study the stability of the commonly used packet forwarding protocol, FIFO (First In First Out), in the adversarial queueing model. We prove that FIFO can become unstable, i.e.,...
This paper gives tight bounds on the cost of cache-oblivious searching. The paper shows that no cache-oblivious search structure can guarantee a search performance of fewer than l...
We show new lower bounds and impossibility results for general (possibly non-black-box) zero-knowledge proofs and arguments. Our main results are that, under reasonable complexity...