This paper examines the concepts biological function (BF) and functioning as they are used in recent work on formal ontology and its applications in the biomedical domain. My purpo...
The Gene Ontology captures information at a very small scale, namely: molecular function, biological process, and cellular components. At this level, the Gene Ontology project shou...
The focus of this paper are actions in which agents employ instruments in order to achieve desired outcomes. I explore the ontological structure of such actions and the semantic fe...
The paper analyzes how and under which assumptions it is possible to compare (in a relationist setting and relatively to qualities) entities living in different worlds. We begin wi...
An ontology alignment is the expression of relations between different ontologies. In order to view alignments independently from the language expressing ontologies and from the te...
This article reflects an ongoing effort to systematize the use of terms applied by philosophers and computer scientists in the context of ontology and ontological engineering. We s...
In this paper we present methods to generate a Description Logic (DL) theory from a given First Order Logic (FOL) theory, such that each DL axiom is entailed by the given FOL theor...
Ontologies are used as a means of expressing agreements to a vocabulary shared by a community in a coherent and consistent manner. As it happens in the Internet, ontologies are cr...
Chemical entities are the foundation of biochemistry and biology, but until now there have been few coherent attempts to produce a top-level ontology for chemistry to connect ontol...
: An ontology of general science knowledge (SKIo) is developed to enhance machine representation and use of scientific theories in emerging e-Science Knowledge Infrastructures. SKI...