
14 years 4 months ago
Roles: A Four-Dimensional Analysis
In ontology the underlying nature of things is sought. Thus it is that the roles things play can sometimes be neglected. Some different sorts of things that get called roles: place...
Matthew West
14 years 4 months ago
The Business of Ontology calls for a Formal Pragmatics
I develop a few suggestions how formal ontology can meet industry and practice. This is not just a matter of useful ontology-based applications. That is a necessary but also rather...
Hans Akkermans
14 years 4 months ago
IPAS ontology development
There is a trend in some manufacturing industries to move from selling products to providing services. As a result, designers must consider the life-cycle costs. In the aero indust...
David W. Fowler, Quentin Reul, Derek H. Sleeman
14 years 4 months ago
Folksonomies meet ontologies in ARSMETEO: from social descriptions of artifacts to emotional concepts
This work focusses on bridging between folksonomies, which provide social but mainly flat and unstructured metadata on web resources, and semantic web ontologies, which instead des...
Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, András H...