OptimixJ is a graph rewrite tool that generates Java code from rewrite specifications. Java classes are treated as graph schemas, enabling OptimixJ to extend legacy Java applicati...
OptimixJ is a graph rewrite tool that can be embedded easily into the standard software process. Applications and models can be developed in Java or UML and extended by graph rewri...
Many polygon mesh algorithms operate in a local manner, yet are formally specified using global indexing schemes. This obscures the essence of these algorithms and makes their spe...
Colin Smith, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Faramarz F....
Abstract. Managing knowledge is a difficult and slippery enterprise. A wide variety of technologies have to be invoked in providing support for knowledge requirements, ranging fro...
Lattice diagrams, known as Hasse diagrams, have played an ever increasing role in lattice theory and fields that use lattices as a tool. Initially regarded with suspicion, they no...
BLID (Bio-Logical Intelligent Database) is a bioinformatic system designed to help biologists extract new knowledge from raw genome data by providing high-level facilities for both...
Traditional logic can be understood as the investigation of the three main essential functions of thinking – concepts, judgements and conclusions. In the last years, in a new res...
Abstract. Among many other knowledge representations formalisms, Ontologies and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) aim at modeling ‘concepts’. We discuss how these two formalisms ma...
Philipp Cimiano, Andreas Hotho, Gerd Stumme, Julie...