In this paper, we study eight asynchronous communication primitives, arising from the combination of three features: arity (monadic vs polyadic data), communication medium (messag...
We take the point of view that, if transition systems are coalgebras for a functor T, then an adequate logic for these transition systems should arise from the `Stone dual' L ...
Abstract. As part of ongoing work on evaluating Milner's bigraphical reactive systems, we investigate bigraphical models of context-aware systems, a facet of ubiquitous comput...
Abstract. We introduce a denotational semantics for non-linear hybrid automata, and relate it to the operational semantics given in terms of hybrid trajectories. The semantics is d...
Some recent Petri net-based approaches to fault diagnosis of distributed systems suggest to factor the problem into local diagnoses based on the unfoldings of local views of the sy...
Abstract. Rewriting systems over adhesive categories have been recently introduced as a general framework which encompasses several rewriting-based computational formalisms, includ...
Paolo Baldan, Andrea Corradini, Tobias Heindel, Ba...
Abstract. Web services are an important series of industry standards for adding semantics to web-based and XML-based communication, in particular among enterprises. Like the entire...
We prove that the equational theory of the process algebra BCCSP modulo completed simulation equivalence does not have a finite basis. Furthermore, we prove that with a finite alph...