
14 years 6 months ago
Once Upon a Type
A number of useful optimisations are enabled if we can determine when a value is accessed at most once. We extend the Hindley-Milner type system with uses, yielding a typeinferenc...
David N. Turner, Philip Wadler, Christian Mossin
14 years 6 months ago
Shortcut Deforestation in Calculational Form
In functional programming, intermediate data structures are often used to “glue’) together small programs. Deforestation is a program transformation to remove these intermedia...
Akihiko Takano, Erik Meijer
14 years 6 months ago
Pi-Calculus, Dialogue Games and PCF
Game semantics is an unusual denotational semantics in that it captures the intensional (or algorithmic) and dynamical aspects of the computation. This makes it an ideal semantica...
J. M. E. Hyland, C.-H. Luke Ong
14 years 6 months ago
A Generalization of Exceptions and Control in ML-like Languages
We add functional continuations and prompts to a language with an ML-style type system. The operators signi cantly extend and simplify the control operators in SML/NJ, and can be ...
Carl A. Gunter, Didier Rémy, Jon G. Riecke
14 years 6 months ago
Abstract Models of Memory Management
Models of Memory Management Greg Morrisett Matthias Felleisen Robert Harper January 1995 CMU{CS{95{110 School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Al...
J. Gregory Morrisett, Matthias Felleisen, Robert H...
14 years 6 months ago
Bananas in Space: Extending Fold and Unfold to Exponential Types
Fold and unfold are general purpose functionals for processing and constructing lists. By using the categorical approach of modelling recursive datatypes as fixed points of funct...
Erik Meijer, Graham Hutton
14 years 6 months ago
The Functional Side of Logic Programming
In this paper we study the relationships between logic programming and functional programming, trying to answer the following basic question: to what extent is logic programming j...
Massimo Marchiori
14 years 6 months ago
Constructing Functional Programs for Grammar Analysis Problems
This paper discusses the derivation of functional programs for grammar analysis problems, such as the Empty problem and the Reachable problem. Grammar analysis problems can be div...
Johan Jeuring, S. Doaitse Swierstra
14 years 6 months ago
How Much Non-Strictness do Lenient Programs Require?
Lenient languages, such as Id90, have been touted as among the best functional languages for massively parallel machines AHN88]. Lenient evaluation combines non-strict semantics w...
Klaus E. Schauser, Seth Copen Goldstein