
132views more  AAI 2007»
14 years 29 days ago
Incremental Extraction of Association Rules in Applicative Domains
In recent years, the KDD process has been advocated to be an iterative and interactive process. It is seldom the case that a user is able to answer immediately with a single query...
Arianna Gallo, Roberto Esposito, Rosa Meo, Marco B...
137views Database» more  FQAS 2000»
14 years 4 months ago
Towards the Tractable Discovery of Association Rules with Negations
Frequent association rules (e.g., AB C to say that when properties A and B are true in a record then, C tends to be also true) have become a popular way to summarize huge datasets...
Jean-François Boulicaut, Artur Bykowski, Ba...