Abstract. We describe some new, simple and apparently general methods for designing FPT algorithms, and illustrate how these can be used to obtain a signi cantly improved FPT algor...
Michael R. Fellows, Catherine McCartin, Frances A....
We investigate a variant of on-line edge-coloring in which there is a fixed number of colors availableandtheaimistocolorasmanyedgesaspossible.Weproveupperandlowerboundsontheperform...
We present a new scheme for storing a planar graph in external memory so that any online path can be traversed in an I-O efficient way. Our storage scheme significantly improves th...
This paper reports on results concerning the combination of non-standard semantics via interpreters. We define what a semantics combination means and identify under which condition...
The ease with which one can copy and transform data on the Web, has made it increasingly di cult to determine the origins of a piece of data. We use the term data provenance to ref...