ABSTRACT. We study the algorithmic complexity of lattice problems based on Ajtai-Kumar-Sivakumar sieving technique [AKS01]. Given a k-dimensional subspace M ⊆ Rn and a full rank ...
A sup-interpretation is a tool which provides upper bounds on the size of the values computed by the function symbols of a program. Sup-interpretations have shown their interest to...
We consider an extension of Church’s synthesis problem to ordinals by adding limit transitions to graph games. We consider game arenas where these limit transitions are defined...
Tight connections between leafs languages and strings compressed via straight-line programs (SLPs) are established. It is shown that the compressed membership problem for a languag...
ABSTRACT. Multiset pushdown systems have been introduced by Sen and Viswanathan as an adequate model for asynchronous programs where some procedure calls can be stored as tasks to ...
Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ahmed Bouajjani, Tayssir Toui...
We survey determinacy, definability, and complexity issues of Banach-Mazur games on finite and infinite graphs. Infinite games where two players take turns to move a token thro...
Several recent works have studied subfamilies of deterministic context-free languages with good closure properties, for instance the families of input-driven or visibly pushdown la...
An average-time game is played on the infinite graph of configurations of a finite timed automaton. The two players, Min and Max, construct an infinite run of the automaton by ...
ABSTRACT. We study the problem of space-efficient polynomial-time algorithms for directed stconnectivity (STCON). Given a directed graph G, and a pair of vertices s, t, the STCON ...