Abstract. MapReduce, being inspired by the map and reduce primitives available in many functional languages, is the de facto standard for large scale data-intensive parallel progra...
We present a new approach to the old problem of adding side effects to purely functional languages. Our idea is to extend the language with "witnesses," which is based o...
Abstract: We introduce a unified framework to describe, relate, compare and classify functional language implementations. The compilation process is expressed as a succession of p...
In STOC 93, Jones sketched the existence of a hierarchy within problems decidable in linear time by a first-order functional language based on tree-structured data (F), as well a...
An extension of the -calculus called BS is introduced as a formal basis for functional languages expressing bulk synchronous parallel algorithms. A con uence result is shown. The ...
We use the ρ-calculus as an intermediate language to compile functional languages with pattern-matching features, and give an interaction net encoding of the ρ-terms arising fro...
The tracer Hat records in a detailed trace the computation of a program written in the lazy functional language Haskell. The trace can then be viewed in various ways to support pr...
Monads are by now well-established as programming construct in functional languages. Recently, the notion of "Arrow" was introduced by Hughes as an extension, not with o...
We propose a new computation model which combines the operational principles of functional languages (reduction), logic languages (non-deterministic search for solutions), and int...
In this paper, we make a proposal for a second year course on advanced programming, based on the functional paradigm. It assumes the existence of a first course on programming, al...