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When a flexible fuzzy rule structure such as those with antecedent in conjunctive normal form is used, the interpretability of the obtained fuzzy model is significantly improved. H...
— In many decision support applications it is important to guarantee the expressive power, easy formalization and interpretability of Mamdani-type fuzzy inference systems (FIS), ...
Javad Jassbi, S. H. Alavi, Paulo J. A. Serra, Rita...
One of the most important features of fuzzy set theory is its potential for the modeling of natural language expressions. Most works done on this topic focus on some parts of natur...
A central role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is to allow the identification and visualisation of relevant spatial features from typically large volumes of data. This requ...
Abstract-- This paper presents a comparison of three different design concepts for Genetic Fuzzy systems. We apply a Symbiotic Evolution that uses the Michigan approach and two app...
Carsten Franke, Joachim Lepping, Uwe Schwiegelshoh...
Not considered in the analytical model of the plant, uncertainties always dramatically decrease the performance of the fault detection task in the practice. To cope better with thi...
Abbas Khosravi, Joaquim Armengol Llobet, Esteban R...
Abstract-- In this paper a new method for training singlemodel and multi-model fuzzy classifiers incrementally and adaptively is proposed, which is called FLEXFIS-Class. The evolvi...
The use of bagging is explored to create an ensemble of fuzzy classifiers. The learning algorithm used was ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems). We compare results from b...
Juana Canul-Reich, Larry Shoemaker, Lawrence O. Ha...
An ordinal fuzzy linguistic Information Retrieval System (IRS) based on a multi-level weighting scheme to represent the user queries, in a more flexible way, is proposed. The IRS a...
This paper deals with aggregation operators. A new class of aggregation operators, called asymptotically idempotent, is introduced. A generalization of the basic notion of aggregat...