
136views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
On Vertices of the k-Additive Monotone Core
Pedro Miranda, Michel Grabisch
203views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Online Recognition of Fuzzy Time Series Patterns
This article deals with the recognition of recurring multivariate time series patterns modelled sample-point-wise by parametric fuzzy sets. An efficient classification-based approa...
Gernot Herbst, Steffen F. Bocklisch
156views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Interactive Fuzzy Modeling by Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with User Preference
One of the new trends in genetic fuzzy systems (GFS) is the use of evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO) algorithms. This is because EMO algorithms can easily handle two c...
Yusuke Nojima, Hisao Ishibuchi
195views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Optimization of an Oil Production System using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
This paper proposes an optimization strategy which is based on neural networks and genetic algorithms to calculate the optimal values of gas injection rate and oil rate for oil pro...
Guillermo Jimenez de la Cruz, Jose A. Ruz-Hernande...
171views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Convergence Theorems for Generalized Random Variables and Martingales
We examine generalizations of random variables and martingales. We prove a new convergence theorem for setvalued martingales. We also generalize a well known characterization of se...
Andrew L. Pinchuck
141views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Continuity and Additivity of the Trapezoidal Approximation Preserving the Expected Interval Operator
Abstract-- The nearest trapezoidal fuzzy number to a fuzzy number, with respect to a well-known metric and preserving the expected interval, was determined in recent articles. In t...
Adrian Ban, Lucian Coroianu
153views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
A Type-2 Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Problem Considering Possibility Measure and Crisp Possibilistic Mean Value
This paper considers a portfolio selection problem with type-2 fuzzy future returns involving ambiguous and subjectivity. Since this proposed problem is not well-defined due to fuz...
Takashi Hasuike, Hiroaki Ishii
122views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
Semantic Proximity Between Queries and the Empty Answer Problem
This paper proposes an approach aimed at obviating empty answers for a family of conjunctive queries involving Boolean or fuzzy value constraints. Contrary to the approaches based ...
Patrick Bosc, Carmen Brando, Allel HadjAli, H&eacu...
161views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
14 years 28 days ago
On the Benefits of Representing Music Objects as Fuzzy Sets
Klaas Bosteels, Elias Pampalk, Etienne E. Kerre