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We show that homomorphic evaluation of (wide enough) arithmetic circuits can be accomplished with only polylogarithmic overhead. Namely, we present a construction of fully homomorp...
For a field k with an automorphism and a derivation , we introduce the notion of liouvillian solutions of linear difference-differential systems {(Y ) = AY, (Y ) = BY } over k an...
Abstract. Examples of polynomials with Galois group over Q(t) corresponding to every transitive group through degree eight are calculated, constructively demonstrating the existenc...
We introduce group corings, and study functors between categories of comodules over group corings, and the relationship to graded modules over graded rings. Galois group corings ar...
We describe methods for explicit computation of Galois groups of certain tamely ramified p-extensions. In the finite case this yields a short list of candidates for the Galois grou...