
125views more  RSA 2008»
14 years 1 days ago
The game chromatic number of random graphs
: Given a graph G and an integer k, two players take turns coloring the vertices of G one by one using k colors so that neighboring vertices get different colors. The first player ...
Tom Bohman, Alan M. Frieze, Benny Sudakov
91views more  ENDM 2007»
14 years 16 days ago
Game chromatic number of Cartesian product graphs
We find exact values for the game chromatic number of the Cartesian product graphs Sm Pn, Sm Cn, P2 Wn, and P2 Km,n. This extends previous results of Bartnicki et al. on the game...
Iztok Peterin
119views more  ENDM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
The incidence game chromatic number
We introduce the incidence game chromatic number which unifies the ideas of game chromatic number and incidence coloring number of an undirected graph. For kdegenerate graphs with...
Stephan Dominique Andres