A General Game Playing System is one that can accept a formal description of a game and play the game effectively without human intervention. Unlike specialized game players, such...
Michael R. Genesereth, Nathaniel Love, Barney Pell
Over the last few years, the number of game players using voice communication to talk to each other while playing games has increased dramatically. In fact, many modern games and ...
This paper is to study the information system development (ISD) by looking into fifty-six cases from the perspectives of power development stage and organizational politics. We in...
Abstract— We have recently shown that genetically programming game players, after having imbued the evolutionary process with human intelligence, produces human-competitive strat...
One of the major challenges of video game design is to have appropriate difficulty levels for users in order to maximize the entertainment value of the game. Game players may lose...
Chang Yun, Dvijesh Shastri, Ioannis Pavlidis, Zhig...