Evolutionary Testing (ET) has been shown to be very successful in testing real world applications [16]. However, it has been pointed out [11], that further research is necessary if...
Evolutionary Testing (ET) has been shown to be very successful for testing real world applications [10]. The original ET approach focusesonsearching for a high coverage of the test...
A parameter-less adaptive penalty scheme for steady-state genetic algorithms applied to constrained optimization problems is proposed. For each constraint, a penalty parameter is a...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a new constraint-handling technique for evolutionary algorithms which is based on multiobjective optimization concepts. The approach uses Pareto...
Abstract. This paper compares two grammar based Evolutionary Automatic Programming methods, Grammatical Evolution (GE) and Chorus. Both systems evolve sequences of derivation rules...
The process of labeling each word in a sentence with one of its lexical categories (noun, verb, etc) is called tagging and is a key step in parsing and many other language processi...
This paper introduces a novel genetic algorithm strategy based on the reuse of chromosomes from previous generations in the creation of offspring individuals. A number of chromoso...