Like Darwinian-type genetic algorithms, there also exists genetic drift in Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA). Since the universal analysis of genetic drift in UMDA...
The prediction of the native structures of proteins, the socalled protein folding problem, is a NP hard multi-minima optimization problem for which to date no routine solutions ex...
In this paper, we present the application of evolutionary optimization methods to a demanding, industrially relevant engineering domain, the three-dimensional optimization of gas ...
Social insect societies consist of individuals with simple behavior, yet at the collective level the societies are capable of solving complex tasks. These tasks span a wide range,...
Two of the attractions of search-based software engineering (SBSE) derive from the nature of the fitness functions used to guide the search. These have proved to be highly robust...
This paper presents a novel approach of applying both positive selection and negative selection to supervised learning for anomaly detection. It first learns the patterns of the n...