We deepen the theoretical analysis of the genetic algorithm for the all-pairs shortest path problem proposed by Doerr, Happ and Klein (GECCO 2008). We show that the growth of the ...
This paper introduces a multiagent optimization algorithm inspired by the collective behavior of social insects. In our method, each agent encodes a possible solution of the probl...
We provide an overview of using genetic programming (GP) to model stock returns. Our models employ GP terminals (model decision variables) that are financial factors identified by...
Cooperative approaches have proved to be very useful in evolutionary computation due to their ability to solve efficiently high-dimensional complex problems through the cooperatio...
Evolutionary functional testing is an approach to automatically generating test cases that violate a certain functional system requirement. This paper proposes an approach suitabl...
Andreas Windisch, Felix Lindlar, Sebastian Topuz, ...
One of the key problems in computer vision and pattern recognition is tracking. Multiple objects, occlusion, and tracking moving objects using a moving camera are some of the chal...