Confidence measures for the generalization error are crucial when small training samples are used to construct classifiers. A common approach is to estimate the generalization err...
Guided by the goal of obtaining an optimization algorithm that is both fast and yields good generalization, we study the descent direction maximizing the decrease in generalizatio...
Nicolas Le Roux, Pierre-Antoine Manzagol, Yoshua B...
A relationship between generalization error and training samples in kernel regressors is discussed in this paper. The generalization error can be decomposed into two components. On...
We show that forms of Bayesian and MDL inference that are often applied to classification problems can be inconsistent. This means that there exists a learning problem such that fo...
In video-based of face recognition applications, the What-and-Where Fusion Neural Network (WWFNN) has been shown to reduce the generalization error by accumulating a classifier...
We propose an algorithm called query by committee, in which a committee of students is trained on the same data set. The next query is chosen according to the principle of maximal...
H. Sebastian Seung, Manfred Opper, Haim Sompolinsk...
The Pseudo Fisher Linear Discriminant (PFLD) based on a pseudo-inverse technique shows a peaking behaviour of the generalization error for training sample sizes that are about the...
Most of the work which attempts to give bounds on the generalization error of the hypothesis generated by a learning algorithm is based on methods from the theory of uniform conve...
A novel approach to calculate the generalization error of the support vector machines and a new support vector machine–nonsymmatic support vector machine–is proposed here. Our ...
Learning curves for Gaussian process (GP) regression can be strongly affected by a mismatch between the ‘student’ model and the ‘teacher’ (true data generation process), e...