Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or network and analyzing them for signs of intrusions, defined as attempts to compromis...
To recover depth from images, the human visual system uses many monocular depth cues, which vision research has only begun to explore. Because a given image can have many possible...
The genetic programming bibliography aims to be the most complete reference of papers on genetic programming. In addition to locating publications, it contains coauthor and coedit...
Marco Tomassini, Leslie Luthi, Mario Giacobini, Wi...
We build on our previous feasibility studies [18,20], which demonstrated the impact of evaluation during development in the DEVTAG system, and here present a fullfledged developmen...
Tuan Hao Hoang, Daryl Essam, Robert I. McKay, Nguy...
Using a strongly typed functional programming language for genetic programming has many advantages, but evolving functional programs with variables requires complex genetic operat...
: This article proposes a new method for creating test software for object-oriented systems using a genetic programming approach. It is believed that this approach is advantageous ...
This paper presents a genetic programming based approach for optimizing the feature extraction step of a handwritten character recognizer. This recognizer uses a simple multilayer ...
Genetic programming (GP) extends traditional genetic algorithms to automatically induce computer programs. GP has been applied in a wide range of applications such as software ree...
The paper demonstrates the efficient use of hybrid intelligent systems for solving the classification problem of bankruptcy. The aim of the study is to obtain classification schem...
Athanasios Tsakonas, Georgios Dounias, Michael Dou...
Genetic programming has highlighted the problem of bloat, the uncontrolled growth of the average size of an individual in the population. The most common approach to dealing with ...