: In this article we advocate an integrated approach for the automation of module or software integration testing and static analysis. It is illustrated how funmethods of static an...
Abstract: Protection and surveillance of persons and facilities is frequently associated with automatic tracking of striking objects like vehicles or persons in an image sequence. ...
: Detection is an inherent part of every advanced automatic tracking system. In this work we focus on automatic detection of humans by enhanced background subtraction. Background s...
: In dem Artikel wird die Nutzung wissenschaftlicher Literatur in der Informatik vor zwanzig und zehn Jahren sowie heute beschrieben. Die vorhandenen Vor- und Nachteile und der his...
: We study the factoring with known bits problem, where we are given a composite integer N = p1p2 . . . pr and oracle access to the bits of the prime factors pi, i = 1, . . . , r. ...
: Im Bestreben, Fertigungsprozesse effizienter und flexibler zu gestalten, wird die Instandhaltung zunehmend als potenzieller Kandidat f¨ur Optimierungsaufgaben in Betracht gezo...
: Negative information provides important additional knowledge that is not exploited for sensor data fusion tasks by default. This paper presents a new approach to incorporate such...
: Public transport plays an important role in our society which is characterized by mobility, individuality, comfort and ecological constraints. It is common opinion that public tr...
: Ground target surveillance is getting a more and more important task, for civil as for military applications. Ground targets may be bound to infrastructural constraints, like veh...
: This paper deals with the linear discrete-time sensor scheduling problem in unreliable communication networks. In case of the common assumption of an errorfree communication, the...