
159views more  TON 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Googling the internet: profiling internet endpoints via the world wide web
Understanding Internet access trends at a global scale, i.e., how people use the Internet, is a challenging problem that is typically addressed by analyzing network traces. However...
Ionut Trestian, Supranamaya Ranjan, Aleksandar Kuz...
14 years 25 days ago
NDSA Measurements between Two LEO Satellites in Ku and K Bands for the Tropospheric Water Vapor Estimate: Performance Evaluation
In this work we present a software simulator for the performance evaluation of the NDSA (Normalized Differential Spectral Absorption) method at global scale assuming a realistic s...
Fabrizio Cuccoli, Luca Facheris
14 years 8 months ago
The IP war: apocalypse or revolution?
In the Foundation series, Asimov predicted a 1,000 years of darkness following the fall of the galactic empire. In the book Noir, K.W Jeter describes a world where IP is the ultim...
Tsvi Gal, Howard M. Singer, Laird Popkin