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Extensive research efforts have been devoted to implement a group of type-safe mutually recursive classes; recently, proposals for separating each member of the group as a reusabl...
A user interface, such as a dialog, assists a user in synthesising a set of values, typically parameters for a command object. Code for “command parameter synthesis” is usuall...
Building complex component-based software architectures can lead to subtle assemblage errors. In this paper, we introduce a typesystem-based approach to avoid message handling err...
Michael Lienhardt, Alan Schmitt, Jean-Bernard Stef...
Software product lines (SPLs) are used to create tailor-made software products by managing and composing reusable assets. Generating a software product from the assets of an SPL i...
Feature modules are the building blocks of programs in software product lines (SPLs). A foundational assumption of feature-based program synthesis is that features are composed in...
The influential pure embedding methodology of embedding domainspecific languages (DSLs) as libraries into a general-purpose host language forces the DSL designer to commit to a ...
Christian Hofer, Klaus Ostermann, Tillmann Rendel,...
A functional aspect is an aspect that has the semantics of a transformation; it is a function that maps a program to an advised program. Functional aspects are composed by functio...
High-level query constructs help greatly improve the clarity of programs and the productivity of programmers, and are being introduced to increasingly more languages. However, the...