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—As the scales of parallel applications and platforms increase the negative impact of communication latencies on performance becomes large. Fortunately, modern High Performance C...
—There is increasing interest in analyzing networks of all types including social, biological, sensor, computer, and transportation networks. Broadly speaking, we may be interest...
We propose a novel statistical manifold modeling approach that is capable of classifying poses of object categories from video sequences by simultaneously minimizing the intra-cla...
Liang Mei, Jingen Liu, Alfred Hero, Silvio Savares...
Given a collection of complex, time-stamped events, how do we find patterns and anomalies? Events could be meetings with one or more persons with one or more agenda items at zero ...
Hanghang Tong, Yasushi Sakurai, Tina Eliassi-Rad, ...
Large graph analysis has become increasingly important and is widely used in many applications such as web mining, social network analysis, biology, and information retrieval. The...