In this paper we give an overview of formal concepts for model transformations between visual languages based on typed attributed graph transformation. We start with a basic conce...
The project Safe Pointers by Graph Transformation at the University of York has developed a method for specifying the shape of pointer-data structures by graph reduction, and a st...
Abstract. Recently, many researchers are working on semantics preserving model transformation. In the field of graph transformation one can think of translating graph grammars writ...
This paper presents an efficient solution for modeling checking graph transformation systems. The approach transforms AGG specifications into Bogor models and supports both attribu...
Luciano Baresi, Vahid Rafe, Adel Torkaman Rahmani,...
The current paper presents a novel approach to implement a graph transformation engine as an EJB3-specific plugin by using EJB QL queries for pattern matching. The essence of the ...
Graphical notations are already popular for the design of software, as witnessed by the success of the Uniform Modeling Languages (UML). In this paper, we advocate the use of grap...
In model-based software development, a complete design and analysis process involves designing the system using the design language, converting it into the analysis language, and ...
Abstract Machine Greg Manning1 Detlef Plump2 Department of Computer Science The University of York, UK duce the York Abstract Machine (YAM) for implementing the graph programming ...
It has been claimed by many in the graph transformation community that model transformation, as understood in the context of Model Driven Architecture, can be seen as an applicati...
: The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to facilitate the representation and exchange of structured (meta-)data in...