We consider the problem of scheduling emergency responders to geospatially located finite duration temporally bounded tasks. We consider two different schedulers, Greedy and Mee...
Active contours, very popular in image segmentation, suffer from delicate adjustments of many parameters. We propose to carry out these adjustments using genetic algorithm. Here an...
Jean-Jacques Rousselle, Nicole Vincent, Nicolas Ve...
In this paper, we consider a problem that arises in black box testing: generating small test suites (i.e., sets of test cases) where the combinations that have to be covered are s...
Christine Cheng, Adrian Dumitrescu, Patrick J. Sch...
Cycle covering is a well-studied problem in computer science. In this paper, we develop approximation algorithms for variants of cycle covering problems which bound the size and/o...
Nicole Immorlica, Mohammad Mahdian, Vahab S. Mirro...
One major factor that heavily affects the performance of a content distribution network (CDN) is placement of the surrogates. Previous works take a network-centric approach and con...
This paper presents two methods which automatically produce annotated corpora for text summarisation on the basis of human abstracts. Both methods identify a set of sentences from ...
Interaction testing is widely used in screening for faults. In software testing, it provides a natural mechanism for testing systems to be deployed on a variety of hardware and so...
Combinatorial approaches to testing are used in several fields, and have recently gained momentum in the field of software testing through software interaction testing. One-test...
This paper is concerned with reducing communication costs when executing distributed user tasks in a sensor network. We take a service-oriented abstraction of sensor networks, whe...
This article investigates the prerequisites for a global exploration strategy in an unknown environment on a virtual disaster site. Assume that a robot equipped with a laser range...
Arnoud Visser, Xingrui-Ji, Merlijn van Ittersum, L...