Although the grid allows the researcher to tap a vast amount of resources, the complexity involved in utilizing this power can make it unwieldy and time-consuming. The Grid Interf...
Justin M. Wozniak, Aaron Striegel, David Salyers, ...
Grid middleware is enabling resource sharing between computing centres across the world and sites with existing clusters are eager to connect to the Grid. However, the hardware re...
Stephen Childs, Brian A. Coghlan, David O'Callagha...
Grid computing has become increasingly popular with the growth of the Internet, especially in large-scale scientific computation. Computational Grids are characterized by their s...
Service discovery is a key concept in a distributed Grid environment. The first step towards Grid implement is the discovery of services. In this paper, we build a new Grid servic...
The Grid provides mechanisms to share dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed resources spanned across multiple administrative domains. Resources required to execute a job are identif...
Mohammad Imran Shaik, S. Mary Saira Bhanu, N. P. G...
Production grids have a potential for parallel execution of a very large number of tasks but also introduce a high overhead that significantly impacts the execution of short task...
Using grid resources to execute scientific applications requiring a large amount of computing power is attractive but not easy from the user point of view. Vigne is a grid operati...
Emmanuel Jeanvoine, Louis Rilling, Christine Morin...
Grid computing provides a very rich environment for scientific calculations. In addition to the challenges it provides, it also offers new opportunities for optimization. In this ...
Bingchen Li, Kang Chen, Zhiteng Huang, H. L. Rajic...
This paper describes the high-level execution and communication support provided in JGrid, a serviceoriented dynamic grid framework. One of its core services, the Compute Service,...
Computational grids and grid middleware offer unprecedented computational power and storage capacity, and thus, have opened the possibility of solving problems that were previousl...
Suchuan Dong, Nicholas T. Karonis, George E. Karni...