The Reusable Software Fault Tolerance Testbed ReSoFT was developed to facilitate the development and evaluation of high-assurance systems that require tolerance of both hardware...
Kam S. Tso, Eltefaat Shokri, Roger J. Dziegiel Jr.
: The most important aspect of concurrent and distributed computation is the interaction between system components. Integration of components into a system requires some synchroniz...
Gilberto Matos, James M. Purtilo, Elizabeth L. Whi...
: The distributed recovery block (DRB) scheme is a widely applicable approach for realizing both hardware and software fault tolerance in real-time distributed and parallel compute...
Fault-tolerant behavior is an important non-functional requirement for systems that involve high criticality. We present a framework which allows the analysis of faulttolerant beh...
The testtng and valadatzon of formal speczficatzons of hzgh-assurance real-tzme systems repiizres a n ertenszble szniulatzon enrwonment wzth support for users to generate events, ...
This paper deals with the modelling and evaluation of mission-phased systems devoted to space applications. We propose a two level hierarchical method that allows to model such sy...
Abstract: We present a time-bounded state-based communication mechanism for dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems. The mechanism is a single-processor, low-overhead version o...