GPU-based heterogeneous clusters continue to draw attention from vendors and HPC users due to their high energy efficiency and much improved single-node computational performance...
We analyze the capacity scaling laws of wireless networks where the spatial distribution of nodes over the network area exhibits a high degree of clustering. In particular we cons...
This paper is devoted to scheduling a large collection of independent tasks onto heterogeneous clusters. The tasks depend upon (input) files which initially reside on a master pro...
In this research, we investigate and address the challenges of asymmetry in High-End Computing (HEC) systems comprising heterogeneous architectures with varying I/O and computation...
In this paper, we address the issue of implementing matrix-matrix multiplication on heterogeneous platforms. We target two different classes of heterogeneous computing resources: ...
Olivier Beaumont, Vincent Boudet, Fabrice Rastello...
This paper addresses the problem of improving quality of security for real-time parallel applications on heterogeneous clusters. We propose a new security- and heterogeneity-drive...
High availability plays an important role in heterogeneous clusters, where processors operate at different speeds and are not continuously available for processing. Existing sched...
Heterogeneous clusters and grid infrastructures are becoming increasingly popular. In these computing infrastructures, machines have different resources, including memory sizes, d...
Abstract—We address the parallelization of a MonteCarlo search algorithm. On a cluster of 64 cores we obtain a speedup of 56 for the parallelization of Morpion Solitaire. An algo...