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Matrix factorization (MF) has been demonstrated to be one of the most competitive techniques for collaborative filtering. However, state-of-the-art MFs do not consider contextual...
—Mobile devices with two network interfaces (WiFi and 3G) are already commercially available. Pointto-point communications such as Infrared and Bluetooth are also readily used. I...
Declustering and replication are well known techniques used to improve response time of queries in parallel disk environments. As data replication incurs a penalty for updates, da...
In mobile collaborative applications, collaborators may move across heterogeneous environments. This paper proposes object models for seamless transition of collaborators across h...
Layered coding is often proposed as a solution for ratebased congestion control of video transmission in heterogeneous environments. The problem addressed more specifically here i...
In the Next Generation Networks (NGNs) users will carry multiple devices forming cooperative networks known as Personal Area Networks (PANs). Some existing technologies enable thi...
High performance computing in heterogeneous environments is a dynamically developing area. A number of highly efficient heterogeneous parallel algorithms have been designed over l...