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With the fast development and increasing use of the World Wide Web as both an information seeking and an electronic commerce tool, web usability studies grow in importance. While ...
Ping Zhang 0002, Ruth V. Small, Gisela M. von Dran...
The members of electronic communities are often unrelated to each other, they may have never met and have no information on each other's reputation. This kind of information ...
`Modelling inside GIS' has been widely researched over the years. This paper argues that such approach lacks appropriate model reusing and management functions because it is ...
This paper presents a judgement and decision making analysis of collaborative problem solving. This analysis is done with respect to the Raven and CoRaven decision-making tools fo...
David C. Wilkins, Patricia M. Jones, Roger Bargar,...
This paper presents a case study on the use of an alternative method of computer support to that normally used, one that uses voting as a tool for social rather than rational choi...
I present a research framework and some tools developed as part of an ongoing effort into defining and using interaction history as part of a user interface for social navigation,...
By and large, cultural diversity is not being addressed in the design and development of user interfaces for international markets. Localization efforts that merely translate lang...
The main objective of the IBM Grand Central Station (GCS) is to gather information of virtually any type of formats (text, data, image, graphics, audio, video) from the cyberspace...